MoH will be the Partner responsible for project management and the project’s smooth realization, while all the other partners will participate. The organization will allocate a project manager who will be in charge of managing and reporting on the project’s activities; monitoring of costs and deadlines throughout the duration of the project and guiding and coordinating the work of all partner organizations. The consortium has also decided on one lead partner organization for every implementation WP (4, 5 and 6) and the investment WP (7) as described in the relevant sections.
In particular, coordination in the project will be organized as follows:
– Lead partners per WP will be responsible for coordinating each WP’s planning, development, and monitoring in accordance with the project manager’s guidelines.
– With wider stakeholders group; in particular those connected with the project’s outputs.
– Monitoring & evaluation will receive constant attention throughout the project.
– Capitalisation activities are an inherent and crucial part of the overall project management.