
Heritage Commons

Hadrian’s Aqueduct as Heritage Commons: Defining tangible and intangible aspects

Working Package 4 (WP4) sheds light upon tangible and intangible aspects of Heritage, keeping the Aqueduct as a pivotal point, though going beyond. WP4 includes three activities focused on data collection and creation, the co-creation of a Local Archive and its co-management and promotion. Desk research, oral history recordings and historical/ sensory/aspirations mappings will inform a raw material repository. On the next level, the raw material will be curated to build up the Local Archive, feeding in turn a digital “HIDRANT” platform with visualized storytelling content presenting the Aqueducts Heritage. Finally the Local Archive will pass to the hands of the local community through a series of events that will facilitate the management, promotion and expansion of local archive together with the identified stakeholder groups. A local HIDRANT Festival will be collectively organized as the main output of the local archive’s promotion.

Partner Responsible: Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA)


  • Multi-layered mapping of the selected areas
  • Co-creation of Local Archive
  • Co-management and promotion of Local Archive


  • Raw material Repository
  • Launch of the digital ‘HIDRANT’ platform
  • Establishment of an organising committee for the Local ‘HIDRANT’ Festival
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