
Water Commons

Hadrian’s Aqueduct as Water Commons: Re-introducing the natural resource by installing “cultural hydrants”

The three implementation WPs (nr. 4, 5 and 6) work in parallel and complement each other. At the same time, they support and develop the investment (WP 7). The aim of WP5 is to map, analyze and bring forward the Hadrian’s Aqueduct as a water commons. Furthermore, WP5 organizes and delivers participatory design workshops regarding public space, both on urban regeneration areas (WP7) and other selected spots in the wider area of Halandri. The project proposes an innovative process/methodology to re-introduce natural resources in close relation with heritage monuments by developing the so-called “cultural hydrants”. These are places, but also activities, people, networks and relations that spread cultural capital throughout the city along with the mobile water supply.

Partner Responsible: Commonspace Co-op in collaboration with EYDAP (water expert)


  • Spreading cultural capital through mobile Water Supply
  • Participatory planning and design workshops for public space
  • Participatory planning workshops and gamification targeted at schools and neighbourhoods – “Conceptualizing water as environmental and cultural commons”



  • A plan for Hadrian Aqueduct water supply and distribution
  • Design Plans of the 4 spots
  • First Report on the participatory planning and design workshops (4 out of 9)
  • Report on workshops “Water as environmental and cultural commons”
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